Fitness Equipment, Blog, Hand Grip Strengthener

Top 5 Exercises to Improve Grip Strength

Top 5 Exercises to Improve Grip Strength

Top 5 Exercises to Improve Grip Strength

Exercise is always an important factor for anyone’s life who wants to be fit and healthy. These play an important role in, maintaining the health system of people.  Exercises to improve grip strength and overall body are the best way to stay healthy and fit. In the daily routine of life, people often find it tough to allocate time to do exercise and yoga. But the ones who manage their schedule and spend time on their well-being live a better and healthier life than others. Fat and diseases are common nowadays and due to it, people suffer from lots of other health issues. Proper exercises and workouts are necessary for an enjoyable life.  Hand grip strength is very much crucial to doing various activities. From lifting weights to doing any task like opening jars your hand must be strong and healthy. You can improve your strength and reduce the risk of injuries by doing several exercises. From numerous types of workouts, the Exercises to Improve Grip Strength recommended by physical educationalists include” 

Dead Hangs

This is a good exercise because through it you can build grip strength. Through this exercise, you can target your forearms, hands, and fingers. It also helps to increase endurance levels and give potential strength to your body. 

How to do it?

Doing this exercise is very easy. Just follow these steps. 

  • Find a sturdy pull-up bar at any park or in the gym ( If available).
  • Grab the bar with both of your hands firmly with the widths separation of your shoulder.
  • Hand from the bar and keep your body in a straight position. 
  • Hold the bar as long as you can and reputedly do it on your everyday exercise routine.

Farmer’s Walk

The farmer’s walk is an excellent way to do a full-body exercise. It primarily targets your grip challenges your grip and builds overall stability and strength. This will not only enhance your grip but also your overall body’s potential to do any activity. It mainly targets your shoulder, core, and legs and makes it a comprehensive exercise. You can do any heavy activity if you become habitual to do this exercise. 

How to perform this exercise?

  • Choose your weights: Select any heavy dumbbell or kettlebell that can challenge your grip. 
  • Lift the weight: Just stand between the weights and squat down. Lift your body and keep your legs moving flat back. 
  • Walk: Maintain an upright posture with shoulders back and walk for a set distance. 

Plate Pinches

Plate Pinches a very beneficial to living a good healthy life. This exercise targets the pinch which is important for tasks that involve objects between your fingers and thumbs. This helps to increase the strength of your thumb and gives an extra endurance level. This is perfect for those who love climbing or playing musical instruments. 

How to perform?

  • Select the Plates: Start this with light plates at your beginning level. You can increase it as you get strength. 
  • Pinch the plates: Hold two plates together with the smooth sides out by using thumbs and fingers. 
  • Hold the plates: Keep the plates pinched for as long as you can. Set the aim of at least 20 to 30 seconds. 
  • Rest and Repeat: Have a little break and just repeat the method. 

Towel Pull-Ups

The Towel pull-up exercise is considered the best one to get full strength. This exercise will not only engage your forearms but also provide challenges to do pull-ups. It helps by improving overall upper body strength and endurance. 

How to do it?

  • Prepare your towel: Drape the towel over a pull-up bar and ensure the place is safe. 
  • Grip the towel: Grab the towel with each end. 
  • Do pull-ups: Start pull-ups by pulling yourself up till your chin is above your hands.
  • Repeat: After taking a rest for a while just repeat the process. 

Hand Grippers

Hand gripper usage is best to improve the strength level of your grip. This can help you to improve grip strength. Hand grips are valuable because they increase your over stability. This exercise targets the muscles in your body and hands and enhances your strength training. 

How to use Hand Grippers?

  • Select any hand grip: Choose the best hand gripper with the perfect resistance level. 
  • Grip the handles: Place the hand grip in one hand and rest it against your fingers and palms. 
  • Squeeze: Squeeze the handles together as tightly as you can. 
  • Release hand grip slowly: Slowly release the tension and return to the starting position. 
  • Repeat: Set 10-15 repetitions per set. 

Improve your strength level and enhance your performance to do any task. Make your everyday tasks easier and boost your overall performance. By doing any exercise you will improve your fitness and strength level. Add any exercise to your routine workout and find a clear change in your body. These are the best exercises to improve grip strength.


Can you increase hand grip strength?

By performing a pinching weight plate you can improve hand grip strength. In this exercise, all you have to do is just grasp weight plates between your thumb and index fingers. Use your pinch grip to do this exercise. 

What increases grip?

Exercises such as squeezing putty or tennis balls can enhance grip strength. Additionally, you can increase it through judo and wrestling can increase grip strength.

What is a normal grip strength?

Grip strength is typically measured in pounds, kilograms, or Newtons by squeezing a type of muscle strength testing equipment, known as a dynamometer.

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